Friday, 6 July 2018


Often time i wondered how Lagos came to be. Of course, i have read lot of articles, stories about Lagos and her existence but then every time i am trying to compare Lagos with other states. I see the infrastructures, technology, the human capacity, innovation. I see people, event, i see market, culture, tribe, tradition, languages currencies and religion. I see the poor and rich, the less privilege and privilege. So i always conclude, that Lagos in every means is a place be. I went a little further in my comparing. I saw the undying beauty of Lagos from the slum. So i went to the street, I saw the domestic violence, oppression, crimes and drugs. I saw a youth putting on the body of an aged person. I said okay let me go the office. Then i saw godfatherism, favoritism, nepotism, tribalism and all these systemic failure end up putting a round peg in a square hole. On a long run, it affect the company and society at large negatively..... stay tune. i will continue.

                                         This is Lagos you have head of

                                         This is also Lagos. Just in case you have not head of it.


                                      The people and the culture
                                            Beauty and Domestic Violence
                                             Dirty and Waste managment

Lagos City from the slum
                                         Abandoned billions of naira project
                                          The Market Place


Crab said scorpion might look like me, walk like me and think like me but scorpion can never be me my colors, because in my colors there lies my beauty and my essence. That's while i may bite in trying to defend myself you but i can never never poison you.


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